DO YOU HEAR THAT? Types, causes and treatment of tinnitus

Maria Ivanova


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The medical name for the condition “ringing in the ears” is tinnitus. It occurs relatively often – in 15-20% of people, and with increasing age the risk increases, and it can be permanent or periodic, as well as localized in one or both ears.

Maria Ivanova

Have you ever heard noises that no one else can hear? You are not alone. Buzzing, humming, buzzing, screeching, ringing… there are many different descriptions of the noise that some people hear in their ears or head. Sometimes the symptoms may be temporary and short-lived (for example, after attending a noisy event), but there are cases when tinnitus becomes permanent and seriously impairs the quality of life of people who suffer from it.

The medical name for the condition “ringing in the ears” is tinnitus. It occurs relatively often – in 15-20% of people, and with increasing age the risk increases, and it can be permanent or periodic, as well as localized in one or both ears. In some cases, the noise can be so loud that it prevents a person from concentrating and carrying out their daily activities. Often tinnitus is in the unpleasant combination with dizziness. This happens because the organ of hearing is in spatial proximity to the organ of balance, as well as because of their dependence on a good blood supply.

Complaints of tinnitus occur more often in the evening and at night. Symptoms include ringing, buzzing, clicking, hissing, etc. Although disturbing, tinnitus is usually not dangerous, but it creates significant discomfort in everyday life. There are two main types of tinnitus:

This is a ringing in the ears that the doctor can hear with a suitable device during an examination. This is the less common type and can be caused by a blood vessel problem, muscle contractions, or a problem with the ossicles in the middle ear.

It is a noise that can only be heard by the patient. It can be due to problems with the outer, middle or inner ear. In addition, it can also be due to problems with the auditory nerve or the part of the brain that processes sound information.

What are the 9 most common causes of tinnitus?

1) Most often, these are conditions related to the outer and middle ear, such as blockage of the ear canal from accumulated earwax, traumatic rupture or acoustic trauma of the tympanic membrane, trauma from increased pressure, etc. Usually, these conditions require surgical intervention.

2) Cardiovascular disease can also be a cause of tinnitus. According to research, 1/3 of patients with severe tinnitus suffer from one or more cardiovascular diseases. 75% of them suffer from hypertension and usually tinnitus disappears when the blood pressure normalizes. Damage and narrowing of the blood vessels (also known as atherosclerosis) feeding the auditory canal is also a common cause of tinnitus. As a result of the high blood pressure, the small blood vessels also shrink, creating a turbulent movement of the blood in them, and from there tinnitus appears.

3) Neuritis and fatigue of the auditory nerve from prolonged listening to loud music or prolonged exposure to loud noise. Treatment consists mainly of rest and avoiding noise. It should be borne in mind that with prolonged strong impact, the violations may be irreversible.

4) As we age, there is a progressive loss of hearing called presbyacusis. Then changes occur in the blood vessels, including the vessels that feed the middle and inner ear. Cholesterol plaques are deposited, which leads to the narrowing of the blood vessel and from there – to a violation in its very function, resulting in a decrease in hearing and the appearance of tinnitus.

5) Viral infections also damage the auditory nerve, but in a toxic way. Tinnitus can be caused even by something as trivial as a common cold or sore throat. In these cases, equalization of pressure in the ear by the Eustachian tube is disturbed. On healing, the tinnitus should disappear completely.

6) The side effects of taking various medications such as antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics, etc. can also lead to hearing damage or tinnitus – both reversible and irreversible.

7) There are also metabolic diseases such as hyperthyroidism (increased thyroid function) that could be the cause.

8) Another banal cause such as a deficiency of vitamins, especially those of the B group, can also lead to tinnitus.

9) Sometimes tinnitus is caused by increased oxidative stress and free radicals that damage receptors and the auditory nerve.

There are other, rarer causes of tinnitus that deserve attention – diabetes, kidney disease, cancer, Meniere’s disease, brain trauma, etc.

There is no universal treatment for tinnitus. It is necessary to find and eliminate the root cause responsible for its appearance. Treatment is complex and may include surgery, mechanical removal of accumulated secretions in the ear, various medications, nutritional supplements (Ginkgo biloba), devices such as hearing aids, masking devices, stress reduction, improvement of the working environment, etc.

Ginkgo biloba is the most commonly used herbal extract to treat tinnitus and is an affordable and safe option to try before moving on to a more invasive treatment. The plant is very well known in Chinese traditional medicine for its ability to improve blood circulation in the body, which is why it has an excellent effect in conditions of tinnitus, which are the result of impaired blood supply to the ear and especially to the auditory analyzer. In these cases, Ginkgo biloba acts directly on the blood vessels by dilating them, and also favorably affects the most common accompanying symptom – vertigo and dizziness

Ginkgo biloba extract is also a suitable choice for tinnitus caused by arterial hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, because it favors the expansion of blood vessels, improving blood circulation and nourishing the auditory analyzer. It also has proven strong antioxidant properties, helps reduce oxidative stress and improves energy metabolism in cells. There is a body of clinical evidence that taking Ginkgo biloba can relieve tinnitus in the condition of chronic tinnitus caused by age-related changes.

In a clinical study with a preparation containing Ginkgo biloba – Selenogin, 80% of patients with inflammation of the auditory nerve, with accompanying tinnitus and hearing loss, reported a reduction in tinnitus after 6 months of taking the preparation.

The combination of Ginkgo biloba with selenium and B vitamins in the composition of Selenogin is suitable for tinnitus, because selenium is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, and a deficiency of B vitamins is also a possible cause of tinnitus.

Given that there are dozens of different causes of tinnitus, it is extremely important that a doctor determine the actual source of the condition in your particular case before treatment is undertaken. In addition to prescribing the most appropriate treatment, timely diagnosis can save valuable time when there is a risk that the damage will go from reversible to irreversible.

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